Fish Transport Tanks
We can fabricate bespoke fish transport tanks to fit neatly on to your chosen transport vehicle. The larger tanks are made from a 50mm thick polypropylene box sheet to give incredible strength and also offer good insulation due to the air gap in the material. These panels are welded together to create a very strong, clean tank. The lid opening is almost as big as the internal dimensions of the tank, providing an excellent open access point. Drain valves and screens can be fitted to your specifications.
Smaller tanks can be fabricated out of 9mm or 12mm thick sheet polypropylene, with the option of recessed drain valves.
DO Monitor
We can supply a dissolved oxygen monitoring system to keep an eye on DO levels whilst in transit. The systems can be tailored to suit the transport vehicle and number of tanks in use. The display can either be mounted on the bulkhead or the windscreen via the suction cradle provided.
Here is our DO1022 System which is designed for monitoring two fish transport tanks.